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Think Spring!

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Spring is coming! 

I’ve had enough cloudy days, teeth chattering cold, and cutting  wind to last a lifetime. Don’t get me wrong. I love winter. I love  snow, but not when a foot of it is sitting on my roof, people are going Mad Max over milk, bread, and toilet paper, and my family is trapped in the house. I’m just grateful the snow plows came  before it became a Lord of the Flies situation.

So here we are.

The days are getting longer, sunnier and warmer. Soon crocus, tulips and lily of the valley will push through the hard earth, people will proudly sport their Easter finery, and spring cleaning will become an Olympic sport.

Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal.

With this in mind we encourage you to think of ways to renew your own spirit. At Sour Sentiments we’ll be doing the same by bringing you lots of new and fun products to help you laugh at life, so stay tuned. There is more to come.

All the best.

Toni O.


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